Making clothes that link together life.
The forest nurtures flora,
the river flow with water that feed the fauna,
people create things, and eventually the life in those things
fade and is reborn.
Into the threads we pour our prayers
to the vast, beautiful and unending life cycle,
and we weave them together.
a co-creation project to nurture the ecosystem of nature
and people and to regenerate the earth through
the production of Japanese silk clothing,
which is woven with the help of many living things,
from raw materials like mulberry and
silkworms to the natural dyes.

MORI WO ORUは、桑を植え蚕を育て繭から糸をとり、古くから里山の工芸文化として日本で息づいてきた絹織物の文化を現代ファッションにアップデートし、一枚の服づくりを通して自然と人の生態系の連環の回復を育みます。
The natural cycle of air earth and water, plants, animals, and humans. All the creatures living an environment exist together, affecting each other.
This cycle in nature is called an ecosystem. In Japan, a country of forests surrounded by the sea, a healthy ecosystem from the forests to seas is extremely important, not only for biological production in rivers,oceans, and satoyama, but also for local revitalization, and safe and secure living for people.
The satoyama craft culture developed by humans where people steward nature, acts as an interface, connecting parts of the ecosystem together. In the face of modernization and economic growth, even in Japan, this traditional culture is at risk of being lost, but thanks to the efforts of some dedicated people it lives on.
we are updating the silk weaving practices rooted in traditional Japanese culture to modern fashion. This is a regenerative fashion project, where we plant mulberry trees, raise silkworms and make thread from silk, with the aim of restoring the ecosystem cycle through clothing.
Main production area

構造上の課題により養蚕と製糸を国産にすることは非常に難易度が高く、一つの地域(日本)での連環を目指すMORI WO ORUにとって、国産養蚕と製糸の生産を増やしていくことは重要なチャレンジの一つです。
Chichibu city, Saitama Prefecture (Sericulture)
According to legend, around 97~30BC, Chichibu Hikonomikoto came to Chichibu and taught sericulture and weaving. In spite of this long history of sericulture, there remains only one sericulturist, in Chichibu today: Kagemori Silkworm Farm. In Japan, the number of silkworm farmers is in a steady decline (about 160 farms in 2023), and currently pure Japanese silk made with cocoons produced in Japan is about 0.02%.
Due to problems arising in manufacture, working exclusively with Japanese sericulture and silk thread is extremely difficult.
At Mori wo Oru, we aim to practice cradle-to-cradle manufacture
within one region (Japan), and so increasing the amount of Japanese sericulture and silk thread production is one of our major challenges.

岡谷は世界から”SILK OKAYA”と呼ばれるほど有名なシルクの産地で、諏訪式糸繰機という独自の製糸技術も生み出しました。製糸業全盛の昭和初期、国内に製糸工場は3,300軒ありましたが、現在は全国に4軒しか残っていません。
その中でいまも手作業で糸繰りをしているのは岡谷の宮坂製糸所のみとなりました。岡谷で製糸した国産繭50%以上の生糸を使用し、国内で縫製したシルク製品は、「岡谷シルク」のMULBERRY GREENの認証製品となります。
Okaya city, Nagano Prefecture (Thread)
Known as ‘Silk Okaya’, Okaya is renowned all over the world as a silk producing region. They have even developed their own unique thread production technology, the ‘Suwa-style spinning machine.’ In the early Showa period, the heyday of silk thread spinning, there were 3,300 thread manufacturing factories countrywide, but only four remain today. Of those, Miyasaka Silk Reeling in Okaya is the only one where they still reel silk by hand. Silk products reeled in Okaya with domestically produced cocoons are given he Mulberry Green certification, which signifies that the quantity of Japanese cocoons is 50% or more, that all the thread is produced in Okaya and the resulting products are also made in Japan.

Yosano, Tango City, Kyoto Prefecture (Silk textiles)
The Tango region has a 1300-year history as one of the major silk weaving centers in Japan. It is blessed with abundant and high-quality water. The climate is humid all year around, protecting the sensitive silk fabrics from dryness and damage.
Tango accounts for as much as 70% of the domestic market for silk fabrics in Japan, and they are also highly regarded overseas. The soft water in the Tango region produces a supple texture, and the techniques developed through trial and error have brought a wide variety of textures to the world.
Products that have passed strict inspections are stamped with the brand mark that guarantees their high quality as Tango Chirimen.

Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture (Kusaki-zome)
Kyoto, famous for its Nishijin textiles, has a thriving dyeing culture. Although Kusaki-zome (natural dyeing using plants, shells and insects) had been practiced since the Jomon period (710-794), advanced dyeing techniques were later introduced from overseas, and Japanese dyeing industry developed rapidly.
In the Heian period (794-1185), the names of colors unique to Japan were defined and dyeing techniques were established.
Many techniques for kusaki-zome still remain in Kyoto, which was the capital of Japan in the Heian period.

Silk is a natural protein fiber derived from the cocoons of silkworms. It contains approximately 20 amino acids, such as alanine and glycine, which are similar to components found in human skin, resulting in minimal skin irritation. This lightweight, soft, and supple material possesses unique allure, being resistant to static electricity and repelling dust.
Considered a divine gift, silk is revered for its purity and exceptional compatibility with human skin. Its numerous fine pores contribute to excellent breathability and moisture-wicking properties, allowing it to absorb sweat in summer while retaining warmth and repelling cold air in winter, making it ideal for temperature regulation. Additionally, silk absorbs UV rays, serving as a natural sunblock, and its antibacterial properties help maintain skin cleanliness. With such diverse benefits, silk has been cherished by many throughout history.
The commercial production of silk is believed to have commenced around 6000 BCE, flourishing through Chinese expertise in sericulture and trade along the Silk Road, which facilitated its spread to the Middle East and Europe, garnering global appreciation.
Silk weaving involves the intricate interlacing of warp and weft threads, symbolizing the interconnectedness between individuals, nature, and art. Inspired by the beauty and complexity of ecosystems, we've named our project "Weaving the Forest," "MORI WO ORU" recognizing the remarkable collaborative efforts that yield exquisite creations beyond the capabilities of any single entity.

MORI WO ORUでは日本古来から伝わる草木染めの技法、板締め絞りや帽子絞りを使用し、その豊かで多彩な美の世界を表現します。
It is thought that natural dyeing by primitive methods using plants and shells has been carried out in China since 3000 B.C., around 2500 B.C. in Europe and India, and since the Jomon period (around 1400 B.C.) in Japan.
In Japanese the word fukuyou, which contains the Chinese character for ‘clothes’, means ‘to take medicine’. In ancient Japan, it was believed that wearing clothes was the same as taking medicine.
Dyeing organic clothing with plants was to suffuse the body with medicinal ingredients. Clothing was not just for dressing up, but was an important talisman to protect oneself.There are various kusaki-zome techniques influenced by the local climate, lifestyle, and aesthetic sense.
At Mori Wo Oru, we use itajime-shibori - sandwiching the fabric between wooden pieces before dyeing, and bōshi-shibori - sewing the fabric to create a gather and binding in a cylindrical shape before dying, Japanese techniques which have been handed down since ancient times, to express the rich and diverse beauty of the natural environment.

長く商品をご利用いただくために、MORI WO ORUでは染め直しをお受けしております。
Working toward a culture that enjoys change.Natural colors are guaranteed to change. That’s simply nature.
Mori Wo Oru offers a re-dyeing service so that you can continue to enjoy our products for longer. In the past, it was common to extend the life of clothing by re-dyeing them either by yourself, or by hiring a professional after the colors had faded.
Depending on the combination of colors, it is possible to transform the clothing or textiles into something completely new. If you have something you’d like to have re-dyed, don’t hesitate to contact us.
(You can purchase a re-dyeing ticket on the online store)