主な生産地/Main production area
①埼玉県秩父市 /Chichibu,Saitama
④京都府京都市/Kyoto city
Sericulture/Kagemori Sericultural Farm (Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture)
A fifth-generation sericulturist based in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture. Chichibu, has a long history of sericulture, but today Kagemori Sericultural Farm is the only farm in operation. Using only pesticide-free mulberries from their farm as feed, and raising silkworms from larvae, they cultivate cocoons using traditional methods that have been followed for generations.
Their sericulture fits into a regional cycle of production where their cocoon are used in a range of local products such as raw silk, insect foods, cosmetics, Chichibu meisen, and Chichibu futori textiles.
Silk thread/Miyasaka Silk Reeling (Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture)
Founded in 1928, traditional techniques still live on at this silk mill. Miyasaka Silk Reeling is the only mill still in operation in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture, which until 100 years ago was the world's largest producer of raw silk for export.
There are only four silk mills left in Japan, and the Miyasaka Silk Reeling in Okaya is the only one that still carries out yarn reeling by hand.
Weaving/Tango Chirimen Textile Manufacturer Tayu (Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture)
Founded in 1931 and located in Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture, Tango Chirimen Textile Manufacturer Tayu has a long history in weaving. The company manufactures and sells high-grade silk fabrics, focusing on high quality silk.
They are involved in the entire process of product manufacturing, from the wet-twisted hatcho weft yarn, which is a characteristic of Tango Chirimen, to warping, weaving, and dyeing. Not limited to the world of kimono, they also seek out and introduce the possibilities of chirimen to a wide range of contexts such as Western-style clothing and interior decorating.
Weaving/Tanikatsu Textile Factory(Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture)
Established in 1919, Tanikatsu Textile Factory is located in Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture. They weave only plain silk kimono fabrics. As the fabric is soft and simple, it demands a high level of skill as even the slightest blemish is obvious.
The factory uses the precious water-twisted hatcho yarn which has become a rarity in Tango in recent years. It is a 300-year history of integrated production of traditional Tango Chirimen.
Weaving/Marusen Corporation (Yosano Town, Kyoto Prefecture)
Marusen is a 150 year-old manufacturer of Tango Chirimen that supports the textile culture of Kyoto from Iwataki, Yosano Town, Tango. Even today, the company’s craftspeople continue to preserve the tradition. Using the exquisite water-twisted hatcho
thread machines, all the processes from single raw threads to textile weaving are done in-house.
The company mainly manufactures furoshiki textiles, but they are developing various products that take advantage of the characteristics of silk in order to make chirimen more accessible to more people.
Weaving/Ito Asobi (Yosano Town, Kyoto Prefecture)
A factory established in 1935 in Yosano Town, Kyoto Prefecture.
They are working hard to create high value-added fabrics by mixing various yarn types and dyeing techniques with their unique weaving techniques, fabric production, along with characteristic weaving and twisting techniques from Tango.
Dyeing/Kyoto Kawabata Shoten (Kyoto city)
Kawabata Shoten has developed Shin Manyo-zome, a dyeing method that uses natural dyes where the dye ingredients are used in their natural state as much as possible.
This is a revolutionary new dyeing technique, born from the combination of inherited wisdom and modern technology by craftsmen living in Kyoto, the ancient capital of yuzen dyeing techniques.
Shin Manyo-zome is a technique that utilizes natural color materials that have been used since ancient times. It is similar to other kusaki-zome techniques in that uses naturally occurring materials such as plants and insects. However, by pulverizing the dye stuff they can reproduce ancient colors with fewer raw materials.
Cloth dyed using the Shin Manyo-zome process is gentle on the skin, rich in texture, and colorful.
2010年草木染めシルクランジェリーブランド"Liv:ra(リブラ)”を立ち上げ、以後エシカルファッションのデザイナーとして活動する。2024年、工芸文化を通して流域全体における生命の連環デザインを展開する”MORI WO ORU”立ち上げ、プロデュース、デザインの他染色に携わる。幸せな感覚から生まれる直感的なインスピレーションに従って、デザインワークを軸に多分野で活動する。
Design & Dyeing/Yumi Komori/Mori Wo Oru (Kyoto city)
In 2010, Yumi launched Liv:ra, a kusaki-zome silk lingerie brand. Later she got involved in ethical fashion as a designer. In 2024, she launched Mori Wo Oru, a brand that is redesigning the interconnection of life in the entire watershed through craft culture, where she is involved in producing, designing and dyeing. Following her intuitive inspiration born from a sense of happiness, she is active in a variety of fields revolving around design work.
Dyeing instruction/Shintani Kougei
Shintani Kougei in Noto is a workshop that offers dyeing and creative classes. In the dyeing class, we teach the basics and concepts of vegetable dyeing, including indigo dyeing, as well as shibori techniques.
Patterns/Megumi Harada/Meg.Pattern
After working as a pattern maker for a department store brand for fifteen years, she started Meg.Pattern as a freelance pattern maker in 2016.
From dress patterns and ladies wear, to menswear and kids she has years of experience in perfectly creating the designer’s desired form.
Sewing/Masako Kamiya/Meg.Pattern
After graduating from Mode Gakuen, Masako gained experience as a seamstress at a sewing factory. After getting married, she became independent, sewing for a dress maker.
After some time as an artist, she has been working as a seamstress exclusively for Meg.Pattern since 2021.
国際ビューティ&フード大学校のファッションデザイン科を卒業。縫製工場にてパタンナー、カットソー・布帛の縫製を経験。 2016年に独立し、幅広いアイテムのサンプルや数十着の小ロットをメインに受注しています。
Graduated from the Fashion Design Department of International Beauty & Food University.
She gained experience as a patterner seamstress at a sewing factory. She became independent in 2016 and mainly takes orders for samples of a wide range of items and small lots of several dozen garments.
服飾専門学校を卒業後、ホテル内ショップにてレディースオーダーメードウェアの縫製に携わる。 2007年より独立し、フリーの縫製士として衣装や製品・オーダーメイドなどの縫製に携わる。 手縫いを取り入れた縫製を得意とし、長く着ていただけるしっかりとした縫製を目指し日々縫製に向き合っております。
Sewing/Yoko Ogata/YK works
After graduating from a fashion college, she was involved in sewing ladies' custom-made clothes at a store in a hotel. In 2007, she started her own business as a freelance seamstress, sewing costumes, products, and custom-made items.
She specializes in sewing by hand and aims to produce durable garments hat can be worn for a long time. She has 20 years of experience as a seamstress.
その後、紳士服や婦人服のお直しを経験。 オーダーの仕事に加え、講師として縫製を教えるなど、その活動は多岐に渡ります。 独立後、長年にわたりオーダーメイドの縫製に携わり 2015年からドレスショップのチーフドレスメーカーとして活躍しています。
Sewing/Hatsuyo Kosaka/Qazari
Hatsuyo studied design and sewing for two years as an apprentice of the director of Bunka Fashion College. After graduating from the graduate course, she worked in a made-to-order clothing store. Later, she gained experience in mending men's and women's clothing.
In addition to her custom-made work, she also taught sewing
as an instructor. After becoming independent, she has been involved in custom-made sewing for many years. Since 2015, she has been working as a chief dressmaker for a dress store.